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Increase your company's
profits and team's
performance using our
tailor-made corporate
wellness program.

Supercharge your team’s well-being, enhance employee
engagement, and take your company’s productivity to
the next level with a wellness boost that has the potential
to double… or even triple your business profits.


Do you know how much profit you are leaving on the table? Let’s turn to the experts to give you an idea.
The International Labour Organization (ILO) says that in Europe alone, companies lose…


This is the estimated cost of work-related stress and depression in Europe annually.
44% of this cost is attributable to absenteeism and presenteeism – when employees are at work but not productive due to stress, burnout, heavy workload, or other conditions.
Studies across the board show that on average 30% of employees have at least one health problem that was caused or aggravated by work. 46% of employees are exposed to severe time pressure or work overload. More than 50% of employees are not engaged at work due to stress. 60% of all lost working days can be attributed to work-related stress and psychosocial risks such as workload. All this leads to a huge loss of productivity. And these statistics are just a few examples.

Now imagine…

You could cut down on these costs and losses in your business by improving employee productivity inside-out – without enforcing anything top-down. What if you could easily improve the workplace culture in your company in a post-pandemic era, and earn the best outputs from your employees? Become a more efficient company built on a strong and happy employee foundation using our impactful corporate wellness program. If you can help your team manage stress better, and support them to improve their mental health… Not only will you boost employee performance… You’ll also grow your corporate financial success.

Here’s how our Corporate Wellness Program
will benefit your company

Impactful wellness programs make you

Recent studies by Harvard researchers provide proof that investing in corporate wellness leads to an ROI of 3.27. That is, a 1 EUR investment in a corporate wellness program has the potential to yield a 3.27 EUR ROI over time. This means you can enhance employee wellness and drive corporate profits upwards – it’s an absolute win-win.

Healthy employees brew a healthy

A fit workforce cultivates a robust enterprise. Our corporate wellness programs facilitate the adoption of healthy habits by your employees, while mitigating negative behaviors that can impact their (mental) health and productivity. We aim to enhance the mental well-being of your staff, and optimize their performance to ensure that they consistently perform at peak levels.

Employee well-being boosts the
bottom line

Multiple empirical studies show that companies with great wellness programs outperform other companies providing similar services in terms of financial viability by a margin of 26x. An impactful corporate wellness program can lead to financial success for your company.

Become the company
extraordinary people
want to work for

Corporate wellness programs have a strong impact on retention and recruitment. A company with a great wellness program motivates employees and communicates a sense of belonging to them in the workplace. Employees know when they are appreciated and valued in the organization. This can go a long way toward improving employee morale, attracting new talents, and retaining the best hands in your company.

Boost the
productivity of
your team

Employees face many distractions in their busy lives, especially when working from home. This study shows that 67% of employees who participate in wellness programs feel more motivated at work, and 65% feel they can take on more work at home than ever before.

Improve work-life
balance for
your team

Employee burnout is skyrocketing. Our wellness program helps employees calm their minds, feel more fulfilled, improve focus, optimize emotional intelligence, and unleash creative problem-solving potentials – even from home! Wellness is the oxygen that helps employees deal well with other aspects of their lives and achieve desired results in the workplace. A well-balanced employee is a productive employee, and productive employees lead to increased company profits… Count those numbers!
Our objective is to facilitate your company’s ascension as a leader in your industry.

Partner with us to attain exceptional workplace wellness for your employees and set the standard for your peers.

“In years to come we'll be talking about Mindfulness as we talk about exercise now.”

Sally Boyle - Head of Human Capital Management, Goldman Sachs


We specialize in delivering customized wellness programs tailored to your organization’s specific objectives and requirements. Our adaptability and professionalism ensure we cater to your individual needs.

Mindfulness and Meditation Training

We offer a 6-week live online mindfulness and meditation training to enhance employee productivity. Subject to availability, in-person training is also available.

Train-the-Trainer Program

Our program trains your company staff to become wellness facilitators, enabling them to provide in-house wellness sessions and training for other employees. This model is a more sustainable, cost-effective, and beneficial option for your organization in the long run. The program is available either as a 4-week live online training or a 3-day in-person training.

Virtual Wellness Sessions

Our guided wellness sessions comprise mindfulness and meditation exercises designed to satisfy your company’s and teams’ unique needs. This can be executed either as an ongoing program or as a one-time event.


Malaga - Pedro Fernandez (color) (1) (1) (1)
The training is very well designed to incrementally gain knowledge and insight into the matter, essential to build up a long lasting sustainable practice. And here I am, two months afterward! Thank you!
Pedro Fernández
Law Firm Partner
Vishen_Lakhiani_2021 (1) (1)
What I really love about Lauren is that she puts your heart and soul into everything she does. Seeing someone have so much dedication and ownership to their work is just mind-blowing. She’s one of the most hard-working, competent, passionate, engaged people I know.
Vishen Lakhiani
Founder of Mindvalley
Malaga - Alexei Mallia (1)
An enjoyable journey to discover tools to connect with experiences in my life as part of constructing my new self. I am choosing what is necessary for my mental health and I'm developing a deeper connection and acceptance of my own self.
Alexei Mallia
Property Management
Malaga - Ines Hot (1) (1) (1)
I just loved the training! There was a good balance between theory and practice. Understanding the what, why and how of the Samavira meditation method helped me improve my meditation practice a lot! The facilitator is knowledgeable and leads the sessions very powerfully.
Ines Hot
Management Consultant

Lauren Schuivens

Certified Mindfulness & Meditation trainer

Lauren is a former team lead at Mindvalley, a leader in the self-development industry whose company culture is recognized as one of the world’s greatest workplaces by Huffington Post, BBC, and Inc. Magazine, and won the WorldBlu certification for a democratic workplace and employee happiness 10 years straight. Lauren set up and led the first-ever fully remote team at Mindvalley. She has worked with hundreds of employees from diverse corporate backgrounds and helped them boost their productivity and wellness in the workplace. Lauren is also the Founder of the international wellness brand Samavira and a certified Mindfulness & Meditation trainer.
Do you want to boost employee well-being as well as your bottom line?

Now is the time to invest in employee wellness and performance!

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