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How To Use Meditation For Creativity

How To Boost Creativity Through Meditation

Meditation is a great tool to boost creativity as it supports all the elements needed to surface creativity within you. Meditation for creativity helps stimulate the creative side of the human brain. The added advantage of “Creativity Meditation” comes with confirmed results for calmness, peace, and emotional balance. The article demystifies the process that would ultimately lead you to download creative ideas during meditation and after that. So brace yourself to learn the code and bring creative ideas to your mind. Don’t forget to apply these tips to get the most out of your meditation for creativity.

Introduction to Meditation for Creativity

Technology has brought us to the level where everyone needs a natural unlimited resource for creativity. Whether you’re a business owner, freelance worker, or have been laid off recently, you need uniqueness in your work. You can tap into meditation for creativity to get your creative juices flowing. Your presence here is no magic. The search engine knows one of your interests in “meditation”, “creativity”, or “meditation for creativity”. If you land on this article, this shows your interest and willingness to learn about meditation for creativity. 

How To Boost Creativity Through Meditation

Before we dive deep into meditation for creativity, you need to understand that creativity is not a passive process. Sitting on your relaxing chair and waiting for the lost inspiration to come to your mind will never work. You need to create a fertile space in your mind to welcome new ideas. The term “Creative Meditation” may sound weird to most of you. In fact, creative meditation is one of the least discussed topics on the internet. Despite the fact that meditation is widely used and misunderstood as a tool to bring calmness only, you will learn today how you can use it to boost your creativity.

Understand - What is Creativity?

Creativity, for most of us, is about creating something that has never existed. That’s wrong. Creativity is the process of building, accumulating or rearranging ideas into reality from the given divine resources. These resources can be tangible or intangible. A tangible source could be the building where an architect gets an idea for his next structure. On the other hand, an example of an intangible resource could be a poet who feels the air and transforms it into a long insightful poetic sequence.

The Oxford languages dictionary defines creativity as: “Using imagination or original ideas for something”. When we are imagining, we are using our resources to create a new reality. Miracles happen when the 5 senses and the mind are used in coherence. This requires focus and deliberation. Meditation can help in bringing focus, deliberation, and eventually carve out creativity.

A lady engaging in meditation for creativity.

This may sound quite intriguing when someone claims to be creative by using meditation. Unlike visualization, imagining a brand new thought may seem like a fool’s paradise. But that’s not the end, let’s learn some of the basics first. We all live in an environment with available resources to create more things. These things are stored in our minds so that we don’t have to check their availability again. Like, you know how to make an omelet and where the eggs are in your house.  A little tweak in the recipe for an omelet and you come up with the worst or the best taste. That’s a little example of creation through the mind. Let’s learn it more deeply.

Impact of Imagination

Imagination is where creativity sprouts. You can’t track the exact starting point of imagination, but you know that all great inventions have a direct relation to the imagination. All the inventors have something in common: the time they spent with themselves.  As Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”

Einstein, Edison, and Nikola Tesla all had dedicated laboratories or study rooms where they contemplated their extraordinary inventions. Even contemporary inventors like Bill Gates spent more than 16 years before he came up with Microsoft. Their solitude was purposeful. They knew it because they were able to create something never seen before. You may call it a mathematical formula, an electrical wire, a Direct/Alternating Current, a computer program, or software. These all were a series of related images or memories that were turned into reality.

Accumulating related images that make sense is easy when you have a proper environment. Once you have it, you will download the desired images from the unlimited universe. Here, environment means artificial surroundings that are aligned with your desired results. In other words, it’s nothing but Creativity.  

How to Create Images

The best part about creativity is that it allows you to dive into your favorite time of space to pick and choose your ingredients. This is the same as when a professional chef goes to the supermarket and finds the most suitable, fresh, and healthy ingredients to cook. But it’s really an art to find out your favorites. For that, you need to practice the art of meditation for creativity. 

Brainwave - Creative Meditation State

As you have read before about imagination and how you can create desired images through meditation, let’s discuss brainwaves. While meditating, you slow down your brainwave frequency. You are not wide awake and do not act the way you do in your usual life. Some of you might feel sleepy. This is because the brainwaves are slowed down. 

If you understand brainwaves, you can easily influence their activity to achieve creativity.  Brainwaves are electrical impulses in the brain. These electrical impulses govern our behaviors, emotions, and thoughts. Brainwaves are responsible for the strong communication between neurons.  As they’re synchronized, electrical pulses with different wavelengths and frequencies are generated all the time. For example, your brain radiates different waves when you are sleeping, and different ones when you are running.

To record brain activity a device known as EEG (electroencephalogram) is used.  Researchers believed for so long that there are 4 main brainwaves. These are Beta (13 to 25 Hz), Alpha (8 to 12 Hz), Theta (4 to 7 Hz), and Delta (1 to 3 Hz), which represent different states between deep sleep and being wide awake. But when the brain activity of an experienced meditator is recorded, researchers have found another brainwave with a high frequency and relatively shorter wavelength. This wavelength has a lot to do with your creativity.  Gamma (>25 Hz), however, ‌has the highest frequency among all brainwaves. You can call it a Creative Meditation state. 

When you are in the Gamma state, your brain will be:

  • Receptive to your current state
  • Happier than at other levels
  • A source of ideas
  • Experiencing better concentration levels
  • Able to learn more things easily

The state of Gamma is actually the state of Creative Meditation which can be deliberately achieved at any time.

Brainwave States

How to use Meditation for Creativity

To achieve a creative state of mind, you need to master meditation for creativity. The term “meditation” is often misinterpreted. The true sense of meditation has been explored by those who have experienced the state of bliss. When scientists first discovered Gamma brain activity, they experimented with monks (who have spent decades meditating). It was discovered that a monk can handle stress better than any other person. For a meditator, it’s easier to achieve a gamma state and get hold of it as long as he or she wants.

Seeds of meditation sprouts into fruits of creativity when you meditate daily. The beauty of meditation is that you can do it by yourself and every experience is different from the other. So you have a lot more to create that has never been seen or experienced before. Every word you learn and every image you see is influenced by the preconceived ideas you have gathered from your environment. With time, you become what has been taught by your environment. Almost every good and bad of life has been injected by society.

Meditation is often done with closed eyes. This is to awaken possibilities and let your imagination go wild. This opens doors to experience the natural and feel the world inside you. A meditator knows himself or herself better. Only that way can they understand the outer world better as well.

“Meditation starts with your eyes closed and ends with your mind opened.” Unknown

When your brain activity is at a slower pace, you tend to be in harmony with the world. Nothing in this universe moves aimlessly. Everything is in rhythm and shape. When you try to achieve the divine pace, you’ll likely find:

  • Peace in chaos (being able to be in ‘the eye of the storm’)
  • Harmony when relationships are disengaged and
  • Solutions to your problems

That is how using meditation for creativity solves your pertinent problems.

How to develop out-of-the-box thinking


The universe is not in a hurry, and neither is your body. To grasp creativity, you need to ponder. Meditation for creativity helps you enter into a deep state of quietness. This requires much attention to detail. You experience a much slower breathing rate during meditation. Nothing in the universe is running, but moving at a steady pace. Our daily life problems have disconnected us from the very art of breathing. Shallow breathing leads to physical & mental issues. Whether you’re a regular meditator or just found your interest in it, your guide will help you maintain your breathing patterns. Just let go in and out naturally.

Another way to instill out-of-box thinking is to let your mind free from structures like buildings and shopping malls. Take some time out in the garden or any scenic environment. That is how you can nurture your eyes and mind with refreshing images. Natural fragrances create a mesmerizing effect on your senses. Walking on grass can stimulate your vital hormones. And when you meditate in a refreshing environment, it spurs creativity within you. Creative meditation acts as a tool to create extraordinary happenings. The more you get into it, the more you enjoy it.

Final Words On Meditation For Creativity

Meditation is a great tool to boost your creativity as it supports all the elements needed to surface creativity within you. Use these tips to get the most out of your meditation for creativity. Find a mentor, guide, or teacher to help develop or deepen your meditation practice. If you are a regular meditator, you need a path to achieve certain goals through meditation. There is no perfection in meditation, so keep learning. There is no bad or worse creation, so don’t think about speeding up the process in less time. Only time and practice can take you to the next level.

If you’d like to boost your creativity further, here’s a guided meditation for creativity that will help you do just that!

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